Thursday, March 09, 2006

Bread and rhubarb

The world of bread-making opened up before my eyes today, as i used my bread maker for the first time. Talk about easy. A wholemeal loaf popped out in three hours, perfectly formed and with a crispy crust. What more could you ever ask for? I can put as much salt as i like in, and rest easy with my arteries. Roll on summer, and bring on the tomato and onion bread.

And the rhubarb is in the ground, with a few sticks to remind me that it's there. I can't wait to look longingly at the sub-tropical leafage and wish that I liked the stuff.


Anonymous said...

Ah yes, the breadmaker. even though it requires no skill to make bread using one, once the fresh loaf opos out I'm all 'look what I made!'.

And rhubarb is the vegetable 'du jour'. On the radio this morning there was a story about how saled of it un supermarkets are up 100% on last year! Amazing.

Anonymous said...

Mmmm.. Rhubarb and ginger crumble. I'm so glad I forced my rhubarb this year.

Al said...

Aha! Mum mentioned that I might try forcing it! what a great phrase!