Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Garden envy

Garden envy

The shock of my parents' newly painted, bright lilac bathroom did nothing
to diminish the enormous wave of envy that hit me when I saw their garden
and allotment at the weekend. I hadn't been home for a good few months,
and to see the seeds I'd sent them as massive, flowering tomato plants
made me exceptionally jealous. Especially when I compared them to my own, very same plants that are (although doing well) still no more than a foot tall.

Then there was the lettuce plants, the courgettes, the cabbages, the sweet
peas, the marigolds. They were all about a good month ahead of mine, and
despite Mum's protestations about it being the greenhouse that's made all
the difference, I'm certain there's more to it.

However, although I'm envious, I'm also really in awe of what they've
achieved. It looks fabulous, and I thought it would be nice to photograph
bits of it for here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Since when is mum's bathroom lilac?!