Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Jerusalem Artichoke

Another of our veg box offerings, the peculiar Jerusalem Artichoke - or nobbly, plasticky lump - didn't go down well at first. We boiled it first time round, and it went all sloppy and horrible. So I, on pain of stuffing parsnips up my nose, swore I'd never have it again.

But then the lovely Asha, well-known for growing the stuff, persuaded us to try it again. I must admit that I've noticed so many bloggers growing it in their plots and having time for the vegetable, but I didn't hold out much hope.

So, when a batch arrived once more in our box, we lightly fried it - thinly sliced like thick crisps - and now I'm absolutely smitten. Maybe I'm missing the point. I mean, all veg - even beetroot (and, can I say it... yes... no... yes... bru****s sp****s) - tastes wonderful this way. But if I can now add another vegetable to my list of dinner party 'yes please's, then it's got to be a good thing.


Unknown said...

I will have to try that, sounds lovely. I can really recommend carrot and artichoke soup (recipe: which is how we ate our first artichokes.

I also planted 4 of mine, in the hope of future harvests!

Al said...

We had some more delivered yesterday, so I'll give that recipe a go! thanks for that.

Anonymous said...

mmmm jerusalem artichokes. very tasty chopped thinly in a stir fry, or roasted in with the potatoes (they need less time to cook though so be careful they don't burn). The, er, wind issue can be a problem for some, but apparently the more you eat them the less of a problem it becomes ...