It's the time of year when I get exhausted from celebrating, and this year has had even more things to celebrate than usual. Probably most important after the 'book' thing, would be my 30th birthday in a few days time. The big one. The year when my body starts to disintegrate. I can't tell you how excited I am.
However, gardening presents often come my way, and this year is the year of the raised bed. The parents have ordered me some from
here, and I can't wait to try and find 3 tonnes of soil to fill them. Well, that's not strictly true, but I will have to find a fair bit, and it will sadly mean shipping in some from somewhere, which I can't imagine is in anyway good for the planet. Or the worms that will be displaced from their holes.
A bit of digging will be required, I'm sure, but this is the time when the garden will come in from the cold and be welcomed back into my life. The house is now 'done up', (I am now officially known as the Polyfiller king having practised on numerous misplaced drill holes) and now it's the turn of the great outdoors. Woohoo! Roll on the Spring!