Wednesday, October 04, 2006


I was just looking at this post on the Pumpkin Soup blog and it reminded me of when we lived in a flat near Tooting. I used to wake up to find slug trails across the corridor floor. Horrible things to see - especially when you don't have your slippers on. And then one morning I went to fill the kettle and found a very boiled slug floating in the small amount of water that was left in there from the last time we made a cup of tea. I gagged, in no small part due to the fact that the last cupper had been brewed only an hour earlier.

Thankfully, we're in a raised ground floor flat now!


Anonymous said...

Ewwwwww. So now there's another thing I'm checking for!

Rusty in Miami said...

In S. FL you need to check the plants when you bring it in the house other wise you find slug allover the house the next day. Worst thing my dog eat them and no he is not a French poodle

Melanie Rimmer said...

Hi, I just found your blog and enjoyed reading it. It's a shame you don't update more frequently. I also had no luck with broad beans this year - dreaded chocolate spot for me. I've added your site to my links and wonder if you'd mind reciprocally linking back to me, just if you want to. Anyway, keep up the good work.

welsh girls allotment said...

Eeeeeek that is is seriously awful ..(potters off to check kettle just in case) my daughter used to eat woodlice when she first learnt to crawl, I caught her one day with little legs sticking out of her mouth apprantly they are part of the prawn family - that still didn't make me any happier !